BPMN SharePointHow to Integrate SharePoint with BPMN Workflow Automation?

The Sunrise Post
3 min readOct 9, 2024


Organizations use SharePoint to manage content, while leveraging BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) engines to automate workflows.

Integrating the two systems bridges the gap between documents and processes for robust governance. This guide explains how to configure BPMN SharePoint to work cohesively.


● SharePoint provides content management capabilities for distributing documents to teams and managing permissions.

● BPMN workflow automation allows modeling and optimizing cross-functional business processes.

● Connecting them centers documents around relevant processes for straight-through handling.

● Benefits of integration include:

○ Documents triggering targeted workflows

○ Process outcomes updating respective documents

○ Content dynamically moving between teams

● With proper configuration, bpmn sharepoint integration powers seamless information flows alongside structured procedures.

Architectural Planning

● Successful integration starts with an architectural plan outlining:

○ SharePoint content organization and security model

○ BPMN process hierarchy

○ Key touchpoints between platforms

● Critical considerations when planning architecture:

○ Document lifecycles

○ Cross-team handoffs

○ Process KPIs

○ Governing policies

○ Conformance requirements

● Dedicate time upfront to map architectures to streamline ongoing governance through fluid SharePoint-BPMN alignment.

SharePoint Configuration Steps

● SharePoint requires specific configuration to connect with BPMN workflow systems:

Activate SharePoint Workflows — Enable platform workflows which allow triggering processes.

Build Document Libraries — Create centralized, governed libraries to control flow.

Classify Content Types — Organize documents types matching process operations.

Define Metadata Fields — Attach unique identifiers to each file for mapping.

Configure Event Listeners — Establish actions when workflow events occur.

BPMN Configuration Steps

● Typical BPMN workflow platforms that integrate with SharePoint include Nintex, K2 and Microsoft Power Automate.

● Steps to configure BPMN side to enable SharePoint connectivity:

Install SharePoint Connector — Add adapter to interface with SharePoint.

Map Trigger Events — Align process triggers with SharePoint workflows.

Build Document Services — Automate document handling via APIs.

Create Tracking Fields — Update metadata status indicators from workflows.

Set Up Notifications — Notify teams when critical milestones complete.

Migration Considerations

● When transitioning from legacy systems to an integrated SharePoint-BPMN architecture, plan accordingly:

○ Audit existing content first

○ Rationalize processes next

○ Retire outdated systems last

● Poor migration planning risks breaking downstream dependencies. Follow best practices to ensure continuity:

○ Freeze existing systems during migration

○ Move content in batches

○ Validate metadata integrity

○ Redirect legacy links properly

Allow sufficient transition time to prevent business disruption when migrating to a blended system.

BPMN SharePoint

Best Practices

● Once integrated SharePoint-BPMN systems go live, employ these best practices for sustainment:

Continuous Monitoring — Actively track KPIs and platform analytics to identify issues

Ongoing Education — Keep users trained on latest processes to leverage capabilities

Minor Change Management — Utilize built-in low code tools for rapid iterations

Web Content Management — Centralize publishing workflows through a governance team

Proactively applying these tips prevents degradation and encourages user adoption over time.

Troubleshooting Issues

● Despite thorough planning, problems can still arise with integrated platforms:

● Diagnose root causes using transaction monitoring to pinpoint breakdowns between systems.

Key Takeaways

● Connecting SharePoint and BPMN bridges content with processes for unified governance.

● Success requires meticulous planning around architectural alignment.

● Follow best practices for migration and sustainment to realize lasting value.

● Monitor adoption continuously to remedy issues and encourage engagement.

With deliberate configuration and governance, integrating document-driven systems and automated workflows paves the seamless exchange of information across teams, systems and processes.



The Sunrise Post

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