Hack Your Social Media ROI in 5 Easy Steps

The Sunrise Post
3 min readAug 29, 2024


Measure the return on investment from social media marketing services with this simple, step-by-step guide.

Social media marketing services promise big results — but how do you know you’re getting a good return on investment (ROI)?

Measuring ROI can be tricky, but follow these 5 steps to quantify performance and maximize your social media budget.

Step 1: Set Concrete Marketing Goals

Before launching any social media marketing initiative, clearly define your goals and desired outcomes. Common social media goals include:

Increasing brand awareness: Do you want more people talking about or engaging with your brand? Specific metrics could include social media followers, shares, mentions, or impressions.

Driving traffic: Is your goal to get more people to your website or landing pages? Track referral traffic and clicks from social platforms.

Generating leads/sales: Are you running social ads to capture leads or email sign-ups? Measure lead submission rates, demo requests, sales, and revenue.

*Tip: Set 1–2 primary goals with 2–3 specific, measurable metrics per goal. This focuses your efforts and simplifies reporting.*

Step 2: Understand Your Starting Benchmarks

Before launching any campaigns, audit your existing social media channels and collect baseline metrics across your goals, including:

● Current follower counts, engagement rates, clicks, etc.

● Baseline website traffic and sales revenue

● Pre-campaign lead and inquiry rates

Knowing your starting points is crucial to measuring lift and ROI from future efforts.

Here’s a template to track baseline metrics:


Current Data

Instagram Followers


% Engagement Rate


Referral Traffic

100 visits/month

Marketing Leads


Step 3: Launch Initiatives and Track Lift

With goals set and benchmarks established, launch your new social media marketing campaigns! As you roll out initiatives:

● Continuously track daily, weekly, and monthly performance across your key metrics.

● Capture changes from the baseline — both positive trends and dips.

● Document any external factors that may impact metrics.

Consistent tracking provides the data to quantify marketing lift and fine-tune efforts over time.

Step 4: Factor Costs and Calculate ROI

With performance data gathered, incorporate campaign costs to determine true return on investment (ROI):

��ROI % = (Gain from Investment — Cost of Investment) ÷ Cost of Investment x 100��

For example:

Spend: $5,000 on social media advertising

Gain: $15,000 in sales revenue attributed to the ads

ROI: ($15,000 revenue — $5,000 ad cost) ÷ $5,000 x 100 = 200% ROI

Evaluating ROI ensures budgets are effectively allocated to high-performing platforms and campaigns.

Step 5: Continuously Optimize Efforts

ROI reporting provides data-backed insights to fine-tune your social media marketing:

● Identify the specific initiatives delivering the highest ROI. Invest more here.

● Reduce spend on lower-performing platforms or campaigns.

● Test introducing new social platforms, ad formats, or partnerships.

● Set goals to further increase ROI % over time.

Regular analysis and optimization are key to continually boosting returns from your social media budgets.

The steps above outline a simple yet methodical approach to measuring real ROI from social media marketing campaigns.

Defining goals, understanding baseline metrics, tracking performance lift, factoring costs, and optimizing efforts deliver quantification of investments — and intelligence to maximize returns over time.



The Sunrise Post

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